Hello, I'm Jyoti
I'm an alternative education consultant, inspiring home educating families to allow children to grow organically and in alignment with themselves, whilst supporting the adults to stay grounded, centred and empowered.
I'm also a pretty rad therapist, holding beautiful spaces for people to dismantle the conditioning they've received from personal trauma and wider society. I help people feel safe and free in their body, their relationships and their existence. I guide people to create a life from the inside out, that reflects who they really are when all the distortions cease.
It's time for us to RISE, together, and live as the love we are destined to be.
Scroll down to see my offerings and creations, and be sure to check out the free 'resource' section. Thanks for swinging by beautiful!
Are you scratching your noggin and wondering what to do about school?
Maybe you don't believe in mainstream education, but don't really know what else is out there for your kids
Perhaps you're already doing things a bit differently and want a bit more inspiration
Or do you just know that something needs to change about children's education?
'What to do about School' started as a postgraduate research paper
And has transformed into an inspiring handbook
To support parents, teachers and passionate people like YOU
Make informed decisions about how we educate young people
I spent a decade travelling the world
Accidentally visiting radical and phenomenal schools wherever I landed
From Goa, to Bali, Sydney, to Los Angeles and all across the UK
The book is a translation of my formal and informal research
Woven together with my knowledge and experiences
As an academic, activist, playworker, support worker, Steiner/Waldorf teacher
And as a travelling, self reflective human being
The writing spans many realms
From politics to sociology, to history, education and play theory
Empowering you to know what really matters when deciding how to meet young people's needs
And prepare them for grown up life in the modern world
If you're already wondering what to do about school
This book will inspire you, expand your perspectives and reveal the important elements to consider
In order to provide what children need and deserve...
The most awesome education possible!
Sign up to the mailing list HERE to be the first to know when its finished!
As a consultant, I'm here to help you step forward with your children's education
Feeling centred, clear and informed
I can support you:
If you're in the process of deciding what to do about schools and education
If you are having challenges with mainstream schooling
If you are home educating
If you are unschooling
If you want to start a school or centre
Though I specialise in self-directed learning and unschooling
My knowledge spans many fields and I know that every human - including every child
I'm here to help you identify and meet those unique needs
Whilst also identifying and meeting your own
I have 3 packages on offer:
12 week container
For families just starting out with home educating (or those wanting to re-establish what they are doing)
Deciding to home educate is scary stuff for the majority
But have no fear - I'm here to hold your hand!
Over 12 weeks, we dive into theory, practice and personal development
Supporting you to design the perfect approach for your family
We may explore:
Different approaches to home education - structure, routine, pedagogy and curriculum
Finding the perfect fit for your child(ren)
The importance of play and child led action
How humans learn
Creating the right environment
Logistics and relevant legislation about home educating
Sessions available in your local area
Meeting the needs of different aged children simultaneously
Inspiration for what a week might look like
We also focus on you:
Effective communication
Your needs
And your fears
We then work through these using shadow integration and mindset techniques
12 weeks of internal transformations and practical training
Co-creating a strong foundation for what your version of home education looks like
(or £250 per month for 6 months)
One year ongoing support
Long term support for homeschooling families
We meet online every fortnight
Weaving together personal development and all you need to know about home educating
I support you practically, emotionally and psychologically for a whole year
To create the best environment for all the family to flourish
Alongside everything included in the Sprouting package, I can:
Train you in multiple education philosophies and practices
Offer regular curriculum and activity inspiration
Keep you up to date with relevant news and legislation
Provide guidance around external tutors and examinations
Support applications to colleges and universities
And therapeutically, we can:
Heal what happened with your parents and at school
Support you to break patterns with your children to live in alignment and integrity
Explore techniques to stay grounded
Figure out boundary communications and maintenance
Manage self care and avoid burnout
Process concerns and explore dilemmas
Identify blind spots and develop self trust
Whether you are following a traditional curriculum, getting creative, or unschooling
This container offers you a safe and inspiring space to discharge and recharge
So that you can offer the richest home education environment possible
And feel great within it!
(Or £350 per month for 12 months)
1 week in person 'set up' intensive
For groups desiring to set up alternative schools or homeschooling clusters
It is a mammoth task to set up a school or cluster
But I'm here to lead you through the steps (and cheer you on!)
Following a consultation
I design a week long, in person, bespoke training package
Utilising all my skills, expertise and superpowers
To meet the needs of your project
Getting Clear about the Project
Establishing School Culture
Boundaries - Decision Making - Agile Systems - Conflict Resolution - Team Building - Relationships with Parents
Pedagogy and Curriculum
Approaches to Education - How We Learn - Consulting Children - Deschooling - Play - Child Led Action - SEN
Premises - Richness of Opportunities - Space Ownership - Children's Participation - Risky Play - Risk Assessments
Sourcing Workshop Providers - Staff Training and Ratios - Horizontal Working Relationships
Finances & Budgeting - Fees - Funding - Legalities and Legislation - Insurance - Policies
Attracting Families
Branding - Advertisement - Social media
Mindset work
Personal Development - Shadow Integration Work - Clearing Subconscious Blocks
Alongside anything else that is appropriate to your specific project
This package is a deep, playful, informative, inspiring training course, catering precisely to your needs
You will complete it with a map to actualise your project
Having considered all aspects, knowing exactly what your next steps are
Harmonised as a team and ready to build
We check in with an online consultation every few months to keep you aligned and on track
Online consultancy sessions & trainings
If you'd just like some general advice - maybe you're considering home education or a young person in your care is struggling with mainstream and you're looking for alternatives - I offer one hour consults
I can signpost you to other services, share advice and expertise or just hold you!
I can also build workshops & trainings catered to needs :)
For example, I recently I did a 'Home Ed 101' full day workshop for a group of parents
Use the contact form HERE to contact me and organise a chat
Alongside my work as an alternative education visionary
I'm also a somewhat gifted personal therapist and astrologer
I can help you to:
Understand yourself at deeper levels through astrology
Clear the charge from old traumatic experiences
Rewire your being to align with love and freedom
Get clear about your dreams and intentions
And get BIG enough to meet them
I offer a 9 week personal journey of deep transformation, in a secure vessel of unconditional love
To clear historic pain that is looping in your reality
From each chakra, week by week, using shadow work techniques like
NLP, EFT and Matrix Re-Imprinting
Discovering the unique flavour that is you using the astrological maps like the
Galactic Mayan Calendar and Human Design Analysis
So that you can heal from the past and reclaim your gifts that got lost along the way
Landing in the centre of your life and your being
To CREATE and live your dreams
You will receive:
* 9x Powerful clearing/alignment sessions
* Resources to support your exploration & integration
* Voicenote & message support throughout the time we are journeying
* A safe place to be held, witnessed and celebrated
If you feel the yes
Let's DIVE IN and get you UPGRADING
(or 6 monthly payments of £250)
“I love the way Jyoti uses language... Her depth of knowledge feels vast and I felt so held in her presence. There's something fresh about both her methods, her perspective and the way she shows up and guides you. I can't recommend her enough. Just being in her presence creates shifts. And she leads with a depth of integrity that really is a huge gift to this world.”
"Jyoti, you are such a find! So grateful to have connected with you - feel embolstered (is that a word?!) to have your wisdom and guidance as we embark on this journey."
"The most powerful thing about the session was making homeschooling feel not only possible but important and even necessary, and feeling validated and supported in this journey and in our collective approach."
"Jyoti held such strong and loving space, her capacity to channel with grounded clarity mixed her deep knowledge was profoundly impactful for me. I can’t wait for my next session!’"
“As a mentor and guide, Jyoti encourages you to ‘step into your power’ and connect with yourself and the universe around you in a much deeper way than could have been considered previously.”
“Jyoti is the best at what she does… She builds wonderful spaces both for human connection and internal exploration and healing.”
A Little Bit About Me
I'm a salt of the earth lass from Bradford in Northern England - a chavvy hippy, dedicated student of sociology, passionate wordsmith and deep feeling spiritual mystic.
I've been all over the world and had numerous, incredible teachers - from many kingdoms. I have dived deep into my own body & psyche, peeping under the surface of reality into the well of divinity to drink deep and make maps.
I've spent many years consciously unravelling the conditioning I have received. I've been into my own hell and turned the light on. I've learned to be with pain and hold its hand. I've been crushed by life and I've been kissed by it. I'm always in process.
I'm here to guide - to study & transmit, supporting people as we remember how to be real humans, consciously creating and living gently, dancing our prayers and celebrating the human experience.
I'm fiercely dedicated to freedom - individually and collectively. I see the ways we are all unique and feel that we can and must build new systems around this. I believe that it is down to us, you and I, to change the world. And I know that we can :)
Books, documentaries and research all about children's rights, education and play opportunities
This is an editable list that you can not only access but also add to. Let's cocreate our knowledge beanies ;)
Practitioners, workshop facilitators, alternative schools and centres list
A list of awesome people that offer next level services for young people - primarily in the UK.